#and thats just not how i see them at all!
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thepuppypaddedprincess · 2 days ago
Unironically yes, i firmly believe you should start considering having kids only when you're in your mid thirties or something, and thats only in case you actually want them. People mature at different rates, and kids are not an indication of how adult you are beyond a developmental factor. Not too long ago people had kids in their teens. Now we consider that shit wack. Just like gender, these artificial markers that are used to different stages in life are not immutable. Just because someone doesn't have kids at all at 40 does not mean they are any less responsible than the 25 year old mother with four. The reason im bringing this up is that i keep seeing people back home treat children like some sort of essential part of adulthood, something aspirational, when in reality all it is, is an optional and huge responsibility that in no way reflects on you or your values or WORTH beyond the fact that you (probably) wanted kids. If everyone could just chill with this shit maybe we wouldn't have so many broken homes and sad puppy princesses with both mommy AND daddy issues.
“she should be at the club” changed me as a person. forever
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qwiopty · 3 days ago
FINALLY!! i put together some tails gijinka/humanized stuff LOL!! see below for some goodies and an in depth (kind of indulgent) breakdown!!
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[for the third image: sonic gijinka design belongs to @noka-exe !! i havent really come up with my own but i like theirs :-) ]
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thisss gijinka is packed with headcanons LOL.. beware!! for starters...hes just a little guy!! i took visual inspo from markl (howls moving castle) and simon (gurrenn lagann)!! mostly simon bc i find a lot of similarities between him and tails.. short and unassuming shy boys who are also compassionate and brave!! (isn't it also awesome how simon and tails both have an older brother figure who encourages them to be brave.. 💥💥🤯 and they both have some sort of space opera and id go on but thats spoilers!!) i also went with a prosthetic leg to kind of represent his tail!! i think it could parallel to how tails' tails can act like a mobility aid, and he'd get the opportunity to tinker and repair them too!! it could also possibly correlate to how tails makes something he was picked on and bullied for, his tails, and uses it to his advantage! and again tying in his interest for mechanics and being able to customize and repair it is a concept that i find neat!! (maybe some inspo from fullmetal alchemist.. bahahaha..)
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speaking of customization. i also love the idea of him covering them with stickers!! i've already added tails' own emblem on there but this has prompted me to look into adding some more!
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(sorry that im singling you out again @tornado1992 LMAO i just loved your input!!) but i also love the hc that tails gets hand me downs from sonic!! for instance his gloves.. ik theyre not directly from sonic but it is such a sweet detail that tails has a rubber band around those oversized gloves to mimic sonic! and tails definitely has the means to make his own fitted gloves yet he still has those bands on in his modern models!! auhgh!! so yes.. lets say the hoodie is so oversized and oozing with swag cause it originally belonged to sonic! :-) maybe tails likes it so much that he designs the cyclone after it!! just some ideas... more depth into his clothes: i drew a lot of inspo from already existing tails-related designs!! the main outfit i draw him in is a large short-sleeve hoodie with some elements pulled from the cyclone and tails' racesuit design from sonic speed simulator! he also has his goggles and shoes from sonic riders, with some slight details added on!! see below for a better look at the outfit LOL
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(the pins on his crossbody bag are a fly-type emblem, a mint, and a red star ring! theres also a sonic keychain that i keep forgetting to add/switch out with the fly type emblem LOL)
here's some more doodles from last year with this design!
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yes i did make a classic design for him!! his younger hair is more of that nice vintage orange-yellow but as he gets older itll turn amber then maybe gold? i was also thinking he dons some red clothing to reflect his admiration for sonic but later starts implementing his own style with some grays and blues!!
i'll also point out that i lean into more of a space-pilot design instead of the usual aviator pilot!! tbf i was raised on sonic x season 3 which is just a huge space opera.. 😅😅 but i still do love the aviator pilot concept!!
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this should be about everything i have to dump about my design!! im not usually this talkative in posts so im a little embarassed to be sharing this at all 💀 but if u read through all of this thank you so much LMFAO im so crazy about him!! if you have any questions or ideas youd like to share id love to hear them!! maybe draw them out too... i may even do a cosmo design update/breakdown!! for fun.. heres the first tails gijinka post i ever posted!!
also shoutout to @corvussio for the incredible detailed comment on my other tails design post!! i know its been ages but i still think about how you took the time to look into each and every detail!! thank you greatly pal!!
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bbadandboujee · 3 days ago
so after a long day of drawing, it’s 2 a.m, i’m horny, why not do some astro observations idk?
this will mostly consist of synastry & solar return charts.
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VENUS IN THE FIRST HOUSE OVERLAY/VENUS CONJUNCT YOUR ASCENDANT SYNASTRY: ahh 🙂‍↕️, i have this with 2 of my side pieces!! chile best synastry overlay EVER. this can either go 2 ways, A. they really really find you attractive, they like your style, i find that they most likely like something about your beauty, for example the sign its in, let’s say cancer, cancer ascendants does enhance features like breasts, or big lips (from what i’ve noticed!) or even an hour glass shaped body (body TTT!!) either way, they’ll like that specific feature of you the most depending on what sign its in. B. ok so they MAY find you a bit different than how this placement usually works, they may think you present yourself in a way thats too over the top?? (girl idk men suck!) and i find this weird bc like, being yourself is all that matters so whats tea? anywho, regardless though, they’re gonna find you very intriguing and attractive, but on the flip side they might think that you’re like other people with this placement from what i’ve observed.
MARS CONJUNCT MERCURY SYNASTRY: yoo i barley see shit about this??? but girl the amount of times y’all will be sexting with this placement!! even on FaceTime it’ll be lots of flirting, i feel like the annoying part of this placement is talking over each other? i don’t find it annoying though trust i find it very stimulating..anywho, i feel like depending on which person is mars, the mars person will most DEF communicate with the mercury person first since mars does rule over action. so if you’ve met this person online or whatever mercury person, prepare for mars to slide in your dms idk.
VENUS IN 11H OVERLAY: omg so my venus is in his (i think side piece number 2?) 11h, and omg i did meet him online! definitely this is a friend crush overlay! also, friends to lovers vibes with this overlay too. i feel like its a lighthearted relationship and being friends honestly feels really genuine and sweet, i feel like with this overlay you don’t look at them with lust, you look at them a light hearted love (awe). if you definitely need a friend house person, you’ll have the bestest time getting to know the venus person fr, vise versa.
this was in my drafts so i decided to bring it here chi!
MERCURY IN THE 7H: you will receive some kind of proposal, whether it’s business or relationship related. and if it is relationship related you will receive this from MULTIPLE people, if this is one of the years where you are in a relationship, expect to get proposed too. also a year where you can meet new connections online.
2ND HOUSE STELLIUM: i have this, this year, this just might be one of my best years istg? expect to make a lot of money ESPECIALLY if beneficial planets are involved. and not only that, your self worth will increase hell of a lot. also to see where your money comes from, check the ruler of the 2nd house.
A YEAR WHERE YOUR NATAL ASCENDANT IS THE SOLAR RETURN ASCENDANT: WHOEVER HAS THIS IS SO LUCKY!! this is one of your best years where you’re literally birthing a new project or starting something new, could also be a year where you’re put into the spotlight, achieving something, and fulfilling your natal promise!! definitely a good year for improvement, growth, and just like i said fulfillment.
MARS IN THE 6H: DEFINITELY a good year to get active, loose weight, or just become more healthier. a very busy year as well too. you could be surrounded by men more in your daily life/at work. definitely not a good year to start arguments with your coworkers or vise versa 😭 (edit: BUT IF THEY NEED THAT? GIRL GIVE THEM HELL IDK.)
SUN IN THE 5H: a very fun year!! omg every year i had this in i’d literally call it satire cus wtf was that?? lol, honestly a light hearted year where you’re having fun, not taking life to seriously, also a year where someone announces their pregnancy.
ALRIGHTY THATS IT! hope y’all enjoyed! 🙂‍↕️
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undercontrolofdarkness · 7 hours ago
oh andrew sees EVERYTHING. he’s just indifferent to most of it.
that’s how he understands people, how he knows exactly what neil and kevin need (it’s mostly exy). how he assessed the upperclassmen, made his deal with renee, and got rid of any threats (e.g. matt’s addiction). thats how he knew aaron’s goal to become a doctor wasn’t a simple daydream.
one of the first things andrew told neil was that he’d solve him.
as much apathy as he may exhibit, he sees people.
ironic how no one ever truly saw him—not even his family—before neil came into his life.
and honestly i don’t think it’s wild that he told renee. from what we see from neil’s pov, renee and andrew talk about the most absurd hypotheticals (they literally make up rules for them lmaoo ) and silly things. he quite literally yaps for hours about nothing and everything with her.
let’s not forget andrew was aware (if not part of) almost all the bets. the man has the smartest rebuttals and knows how to get on people’s nerves (not like neil, but neil is on a completely different level of pissing people off)
Renee was the only fox who knew he was gay because andrew wanted her to know the bet on them wouldn’t happen, but he didn’t feel like letting the speculation die.
neil quite literally calls andrew a drama queen.
the man is an instigator at heart. he’s amused by neil’s rude attitude and keeps encouraging kevin to grow a spine. especially knowing how important jean is to renee, it was inevitable he’d be telling her EVERYTHING
I’m sorry when renne says that Andrew clocked Jeremy immediately it’s wilddd. First off you’re telling me this dude has a good gaydar? And pays attention to these things? I’m not sceptical I’m just in awe I love this man.
Secondly, and more importantly, he told Renee? Like renne was all ‘how was the trip’ and Andrew was like ‘jean got bullied on TV and also Jeremy’s gay as shit’ like is that what happened? Why did he tell her? What sort of shit do these two talk about. Things like this make me wish we had Andrew’s pov in the books. Alas, fanfiction my beloved.
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tiddlsss · 3 days ago
i do not trust that adobe article at all. it kept trying to imply things about dan and phil liking the ai features when dan and phil never even mentioned them. like they were mostly talking about how photoshop mobile could help smaller creators edit their content without needing a computer, and then between quotes it would be like “photoshop mobile has ai features” so it’d seem thats what they’re talking about ai when they’re just talking about normal editing???
also, this part stood out to me.
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i could be reading into it, but why are you using that quote about camera quality when you’re trying to talk about how your app is an affordable editing software? That has nothing to do with anything. Like if you tried to use this quote in this way in any high school English class you’d get points marked off. Which makes me think that this is ai generated and the ai got confused, but also makes me wonder other parts of the article and their integrity.
like, when you think about it we don’t actually know what questions dan and phil were asked, which i’m sure happens in journalism sometimes, but i just feel like adobe was trying to use dan and phil to paint a narrative that’s like “see kids? ai is cool!” without dnp even agreeing with the messaging. like it felt like dnp were talking about their own experiences as youtubers and how having a good mobile editing software would help them, not “oh this is good because of ai.” like obviously the app had ai and they probably knew, but most services have ai nowadays and i don’t think they were going into it with the intention of promoting the ai features. tbh the whole thing was just “yeah a mobile app would’ve been helpful” and that was that
hopefully that all made sense i’m v tired and running late for school.
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purpdrawsthings · 3 days ago
Hey wdym it's been like 24 days since that one post I made that was like to draw ppls Me Puzzles' ?... Oh.
Immediately speed running since yesterday and today. Yes that meant I didn't even do anything for more than 20 days. I'm a lazy person you see 💥💀
Guess the Spotify music motivated me so hard I decided to speed run ig let's go?
Anyways enough yapping I know thats what y'all don't wanna read or see about rn y'all wanna see the JUICY Puzzles I drew right???
Anyways have them + how I think about them =D
Btw these weren't meant to be coloured.
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First up, @fluffygiraffe 's PJ!
We got the silly Puzzles that was first to comment on the post! Hihi Fluffygiraffe. Idk anything about this Puzzles but I just gotta say I love the way you draw in a fuzzy and almost comforting art style and also PJ's design is very very cute thank you for the Puzzles 💜
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Second, @emeraldsk 's Complete Puzzles!
Wait.. I've seen this man before... Hmmmmmmmmmm oh nvm. /silly anyways, I like the design! It's quite nice and the way the colours are arranged are done quite nicely. Overall, this Puzzles is approved by yours truly 💜
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Third, we got @mrtophat518 's Grudge Puzzles!
Ono we got an edgy Puzzles chat get away /silly anyways, I've read the entirety of the whole Grudge Puzzles AU blog just today! I love that one time he broke the literal fourth wall and cracked the screen, that was a really nice surprise. [Thanks Micheal for fixing the glass with a new one we owe you something 💥] overall, the story is very enteresting and very VERY intriguing! I'm hoping to see how this progresses! Oh and also I love the puffy sleeves, those are literally my favourite, thank you for putting that on your Puzzles teehee it was fun 💜
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Fourth, we got @bidinonsense 's Virus Puzzles!
I appreciate Alex for sending this in with their submission! The design is quite interesting to say the least! [Ooooooo funny sharp thingys.. Demon Puzzles... Ough....] I like how the mouth has a jagged line to represent sharp teeth ig, the 1 and 0 on the eyes are quite interesting! I think it kinda makes sense for a virus themed Puzzles? But overall, the design is interesting! Btw, I wonder if this is an au, if so.. I wonder how it works hehe... Oh anyways, thanks for the silly man! 💜
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Last but not least, @alex-dolmatescu2-0 's Darkness Puzzles!
Ooooooooo, hello very... Handsome Puzzles... /silly /hj anyways, I've seen this Puzzles before! Saw a couple of posts about this guy and overall he seems pretty intriguing. The wings are a really cool concept, especially with the RGB colored looking wing! I really like drawing wings so thanks for giving me an excuse to draw one. Oh and the designs nice! Quite recognizable if you ask me. Anyways, approved! 💜
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Special mention, @tsucacatenma 's Fallen Star Puzzles!
Yep, bonus Puzzles! For the past few days this person has been mentioning me on their posts about this particular Puzzles, and honestly, I love it! I love messy designed OCS like these that fill up space even tho ppl can't see shit. [That was a compliment 💥] the monocle was very nice, made him look a bit ✨ b r i i s h ✨ he truly is a very nice gentleman and definitely won't try to murder the SMG4 crew again. Btw the hand things coming out are very cool, I very likey. Anyways other than that, hope ur happy for this silly surprise teehee 💜
Anyways, that's about all! Last thing before we end this off, sorry for the long wait! I almost forgot this existed and during days I DID remember I just didn't get the motivation to work on it cuz I was scrolling through YouTube shorts or smth. I won't sugarcoat it, I'm a lazy ass =']
Anywaysssssss that's all buh bye! Hope I post or smth idek I'm working on smth but I'm not sure when it finished wait why am I still yapping OAHDISGXIXHDKDBPXBDPFBFOFBOFB
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elainsgirl · 19 hours ago
Nesta’s story is not finished. Getting an Elain book next would not be smart. She’s irrelevant. Nesta’s arc was at least built within Feyres books. SJM needs to do that with Elain in Nesta’s second book because right now Elain could be killed off and it would have no impact as she contributes nothing to the story. I literally forgot about her in SF. You all put her on this high horse that she doesn’t even deserve to be on. She’s irrelevant and her book now would be boring and ruin the series and everyone would leave.
Nesta’s story and Arc is very much finished. By the end of acosf - we see her happy, healing surrounded by her new made family whilst also healing her relationship with the IC. We see Nesta grow and take on a more prominent role as well as her becoming something. We also witnessed her love story with Cassian that Mass left on a happy note - with them being mated and having a mating ceremony for it.
Sorry, but Nesta is not getting another book. HOFAS simply shows there’s history to the archerons sisters that we will learn about & the family is important.
There’s only 3 spinoffs anon. If Nesta got a duology -> Elain would have to get a duology and that requires 4 books altogether surpassing What Mass was contracted for.
Elain does have an arc in SF, just bcs you ignored it doesn’t mean its not there. Elain becoming bolder, speaking up - reminder of her traumas and how she still has powers from the cauldron. Feysands bonus telling us there’s more to Elain then meets the eye -> Thats enough information to set her up as the next protagonist. Remember these books are standalones, in SF we did not need to see Elain or have her developed too much that acosf then becomes important to read in order to understand her book. We got hints here and there and thats enough.
I could say the same for Nesta in acofas. If you killed her off then, it would not have affected the plot one bit, a characters main development should come from their own book. Look at how important Nesta is now AFTER she’s had her book? The same will happen to Elain.
“Elains book would be boring!” To YOU. There are thousands out there who are intrigued for Elains story. And even those that arent’ will still read an Elain book bcs Sjm has a fandom that would eat up and consume whatever she writes and puts out.
“everyone would leave” Thank God. We need a fandom cleanse.
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alicentsgf · 8 hours ago
i think people tend to stumble into investing emotionally in tragedies without being fully prepared for it because an important element is that they dont start off tragic. Obviously. so you can be in too deep before you realise how bad its gonna get
the core element of tragedy is that it gradually reveals the inability of flawed characters to escape causing their own inevitable downfall. Yellowjackets is a tragedy and it always has been. more people will die, probably most of the survivors, if not all of them. and they will commit some truly heinous crimes along the way. i need everyone to be okay with this because i love the fan culture thats been built around this show (like fuck you guys are so funny and creative??), and i really dont want to see this become another space full of people who are angry and jaded because they refuse to accept the genre of the thing they love. if you love the characters and the tragic element becomes too much thats absolutely fine i totally get it and everyones allowed their own space to vent and share their opinions, but just remember its a feature of the genre, not a fault.
Van is probably also going to die this season, and if not that soon then probably in season 4. sorry i love her too, but the stage is set for it, there are so many signs. when that happens i need fans of the show to remember the genre of the story they're invested in and accept it as part of the journey. please believe me, i also very much wish we'd got more adult lottie and i totally feel for simone wanting to stay, but her death was not "just for shock value". i called it ages ago and so did others because it makes sense. Lotties individual arc in the story (to bring the other characters back together, back to the wilderness, and spark callies curiosity) has come to a natural end. and now we can begin to see the potential her death has to change the trajectory of every other main characters season. it could also propel callie (who is due some major character evolution imo) in some really interesting directions.
Besides. even if it hadnt happened right now, eventually it had to. this always had to be lotties ending because its what this story holds for every single character. every death confronts the audience with the idea of testing your faith and it failing you - for most their faith is in a friend or a belief system, or both (in travis' case). so yes, lottie dying like this was pretty inevitable.
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sightseerbat · 1 day ago
Here are a couple of random Porky Minch headcanons + some angst cause thats how I deal with my own:
((((TW: some child abuse))))
- He actually REALLY likes fruits. Ever since he tried a bit of a fresh fruit bowl in Ness's house during snack time (after making some fuss about it beforehand, ofc) he got hooked. Sadly he doesn't eat much of it elsewhere cause it's just not something you see a lot in the Minch household.
- Despite doodling a lot in and around school and other public places, his more "serious drawings" aka stuff he actually puts a lot of work and heart to are absolutely OFF LIMITS to all. (Maaaaaaybe Ness can have a look here and there)
- Stims with his hands a lot. Did it so much with one of his overalls straps that it broke off.
- But his favorite stimming thing is his hair, specially when it's silky and soft (will use his mother's expensive shampoo for that, he keeps watering it down so she hopefully doesn't find out)
- Is actually very smart and can ace tests easily, tho his grades are mediocre cause he hates doing homework and assigments (bro can you IMAGINE being stuck doing a group project with this kid)
- Is in the same grade as Ness despite being a year older, probably due to the many aforementioned missed work (and possibly missed school days, gotta expand on that sometime)
- Flinches when any brusque movements are done near him (what physical abuse does to a mofo)
- His parents would constantly dicipline him a lot for "rolling his eyes", so growing bangs to cover them has given him at least some safeguard from random accusations of disrespect (I imagine Picky did the same after noticing it working)
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vanmccannsfridge · 3 days ago
“fans deserve to know” we don’t deserve to know what’s going on in someone’s personal life and to speculate about it. even if any of that post is true, it’s fucked up they’ve posted it on a public platform where van could potentially see, those comments would make him worse.
at them shows last year he was the happiest i’ve ever seen him, he constantly interacted with the crowd, constantly showing how much he loved & cared for us and put on some of his best performances. it was so genuine, he literally started crying on stage at leeds when we all were singing cocoon back to him, and at reading festival he was trying not to during outside and was saying “i love yous” while having to step away from the mic like… it was so raw, something we’ve never seen from him before. them moments showed how much he’d missed this.
the whole label thing too, if he was genuinely harassing them they would’ve dropped catfish in a heartbeat. island have so many big artists so catfish won’t mean shit to them, why keep a band which is treating you that bad ?? just doesn’t make sense. i first heard that rumour on twitter when the jail thing came out the source was some random dms between two fans. thats the only time its ever been mentioned too.
none of us know exactly what happens behind the scenes, at the end of the day it’s all rumors from burner & anonymous accounts. “insider” knowledge i’d take as a pinch of salt i’ve been in this fandom for years and have came across so many people with said “insider” knowledge… and 99% of the time it wasn’t true at all. this is why i don’t think they should’ve approved that post at all, like i said it’s just going to be more damaging for van. then saying they want him to get better but then posting all his struggles online where we know he’ll see is so fucked up.
if van is struggling i hope he gets the help he deserves & needs, i can’t imagine what he must be going through seeing something he worked his whole life for fall apart.
that’s all i’m saying on this situation for now.
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harmonii-hoshi · 3 days ago
Hey! To all Milgramers, can we NOT dehumanize Amane?
Spoilers for Trial 3 Milgram!
Like I get that Amane killed Shidou and stuff but like can we instead just UNDERSTAND her instead of blatantly painting her as a physcopath that doesnt care for anyone
I mean this LITERALLY cuz like you guys just have like the WORST takes ever. A bit of mischaracterizing is fine but like HOW DO YOU GET SO OFF POINT?????
She had issues with some of her cult teachings, so instead she REBRANDED the cult to make it more suitable for herself. JUST LIKE HOW SHE FOUND A LOOPHOLE IN HER CULTS PUNISHMENTS AND USED IT AS A WAY TO DEFEND HERSELF FROM HER ABUSER???
She SAW that Fuuta was in a LOT of pain (mentally and physically) and OFFERED him a solution as a way to lessen his suffering. The said solution (cult) helped her with her own struggles WHICH IS WHY SHE GOT FUUTA IN HER CULT. AMANE WANTS TO HELP FUUTA, NOT MAKE HIM WORSE.
Should I also mention that BECAUSE OF THE VERDICT OF THE FIRST TRIAL, Amane began to indulge MORE into her cults teaching AS A COPING MECHANISM since the cult is THE ONLY THING SHE KNOWS???
"Amane holds no remorse in killing Shidou!" Im sorry but do you need other people to point out EVERYTHING for you? EVEN IF IT WASN'T SHOWN DIRECTLY, IT WAS IMPLIED THAT SHE WANTED SOMEONE TO STOP HIM FROM HEALING OTHERS. SHE YELLED AT ES SAYING SHE GAVE THEM WARNINGS OVER AND OVER AGAIN. SHE WANTED SOMEONE TO STOP HER FROM DOING WHAT SHE WAS GONNA DO but she had to follow the cults teaching because she introcidricated to.
Amane isnt careless, she's just a child who is a victim of a cults teaching. She does things that were taught are right, not what she thinks are right.
Sorry for being really passive aggressive in this post. It just really infruriates me to see Amane so dehumanized and mischaracterized in the fandom. She is so well written, it makes me sad to see ppl treat her like something shes not.
We as milgramers should remember that the prisoners are all morally grey. Theyre not pure innocent nor are they purely evil, theyre human. Humans arent perfect, so is it really shocking when a character have flaws when they are supposed to represent actual human beings?
TLDR; Amane is NOT a careless physcopath. She is a child who uses her cult teachings as a coping mechanism.
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lvcky-g1rl-syndr0me · 12 hours ago
hai bby! hru?
so idk if this is going to make sense but i've had this thought on my mind for a while and i wanted to request something if it's not too much to ask for.
so like, rich sunghoon who's very protective of y/n and is cold to everyone but y/n and their rich kid friend group. and rich y/n who even tho is rich, is still very kind and caring. they're both in school (college or high school) and they're like the "rich and popular" kids. so basically, y/n's super innocent and sweet and hoon is trynna figure out how to confess? can be angsty with fluff? and you can decide whether it's written or a smau.
i'm so sorry if this makes no sense 😓 and if you can't do it, that's totally fine too. hope you're well love!
youre not for sale (request) ☘︎ park sunghoon
warnings: fluff, comfort, angst, mutual yearning, reader being a bit blind, i think thats all!! if there's anything else let me know!!
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park sunghoon was in love with y/n l/n. that was a fact no one could deny. It was obvious to everyone. Well, everyone except one person. y/n. He was constantly buying them things, from flowers to expensive jewelry. but to y/n, he was just “being a really good friend”. to sunghoon, they were the kindest, sweetest, ad most attractive person he had ever met in his whole life. that brings us to now. sunghoon has been with jake all day, coming up with a speech to tell y/n he likes, scratch that, is in love with them. “what the actual fuck do i say to them man? ‘hey y/n i know were super close and all, oh by the way, i'm in love with you’? hell no. shes just- sweet, and, i dont wanna say fragile. but shes innocent. i dont wanna hurt her or confuse her.” so far, its going…not so great. “i really don't know what to tell you bro. you just need to grow a pair and tell her.” sunghoon gives him a glare, “easy for you to say, you got your girlfriend by just being pathetic and following her around like a puppy”. “OH FUCK YOU MAN” safe to say, jake didnt take too well to his jab. sunghoon felt like drowning in self-pity. his friends were no help, and with each passing day he fell for y/n more and more with no idea how he should confess to them. especially when everyone around them knew all of their business. y/n on the other hand, could not have been more oblivious. “i’m telling you noo, he does not like me like that”, they say. oh how wrong they were. sunoo looks at them as if they were insane, “are you serious right now y/n? that guy looks at you as if you created all things good in the world! i’m serious!”. in that moment, he thought they could never be more dense. 
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a week went by of sunghoon helplessly wondering, crying for help to his friends, and buying flowers for y/n that reminded him of them. he sees y/n walking to their class and runs up to them. “y/n! Hey! um- do you wanna hang out later? Maybe like grab some lunch or get boba or something” he asks, desperately hoping that they say yes. “oh my god yes! i’ve been craving boba like crazy!” for a moment, sunghoon truly believed there was something in the universe on his side. he spent the next 3 hours trying to think up someway to confess. flowers? the ring they've been talking about wanting? unlimited trips to their favorite restaurant? he needed to come up with something, and fast.
the pair somehow end up back at y/n’s dorm, playing video games. sunghoon had just beat y/n at mario kart *again*, and y/n decided they needed a break. “god, how do you win every time?’ they grumble while walking to the kitchen. sunghoon replied before even giving a second
thought, “i’m just that good baby”. y/n had never turned around so fast in their life, “what?”. He froze, nothing coming out of his mouth, eventually, it all just started coming out before he could save himself. “i love you. you’re so amazing, and kind, and pretty. i don't even think i deserve you but i really hope you’ll give me a chance! i’ve been trying to figure out how to confess to you for so long and this really isn’t how i planned it but this is how its happening. you just make me so nervous but in a really good way and i just really hope you feel the same or you hear me out and at least let me take you out on one date.” he stops speaking abruptly as it all just happened so fast. silence filled the once loud room that was overflowing with their laughter. “sunghoon…” they trail off, “you really feel that way?” he doesn't respond and simply stares down at his feet in embarrassment and defeat. “i’m gonna go, i'll see you around.” he abruptly stands up and leaves with y/n protesting behind him and telling him to stay. he beat himself up the whole night, this isn't how he wanted it to go, not at all. he couldn't believe he let himself word vomit like that! he just blew it with the person of his dreams, he could never tell his friends about this. they’d definitely use it against him for life, and he can’t bear the thought of reliving his worst heartbreak.
y/n wasn’t completely sure what to do, or how to handle this. sunghoon liked them? there's no way. he’s handsome and kind, he's perfect. and he seriously likes them? as she runs through every possible scenario of how this situation ends in her head, she impulsively decides to go to his dorm. she hesitated before knocking on his door. sunghoon opened the door, to see, to his shock, y/n. “i really really like you too and i’ve never known how to tell you and when you just said everything to me i froze because i didn't know what to say! you're the most amazing guy sunghoon and i want this to work out. so please just tell me if you want to make this work too.” he stood in the doorway, his mouth parted in shock. he spoke quietly after a moment, “you really mean it?” y/n looks at him incredulously “are you kidding? of course i mean it!” sunghoon swore he felt his heart stop for a solid 5 seconds. “i thought i lost you for good, oh my god!” he sighs in relief. “you could never lose me don't be stupid.” he gives them a glare before wrapping his arms around them, not caring who in the hall saw. “does this mean i can take you on a date now?” he asked softly. “i mean obviously”
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luckys note!: guys lets pretend it didnt take me 6 months to write this... um anyways ENJOY!!!
© lvcky-g1rl-syndr0me, 2025. do not copy, translate or upload any of my works without my permission.
@ivyannemarie @bluuepiphany @greentulip
dm me or send an ask to be added to either!
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vonbabbitt · 11 hours ago
What are the upsides to leaving yourself open like this to the community (answering questions, etc) and the downsides? Which do you find outweighs the other?
this is a really insightful question anon!!
i think there are definitely upsides and downsides and i definitely dont think leaving yourself open to the community is the best approach for everyone. heres what i could think of off the top of my head
im really grateful to have a community that does things like make fanart and write fanfic and make music. you guys contribute so much to the tetro fandom that i want to be able to return that respect to you in whatever way i can, and i feel like completely cutting myself off from the people who make fandom content feels ungrateful for what theyve given me! my word does carry some degree of weight within the tetro fandom specifically (since i made tetro) so if people get excited at seeing me respond to their art or their prompts then i wanna be able to give them that feeling in return for contributing
you guys have some really insightful things to say about tetro sometimes and i enjoy seeing how you interpret and process my writing, it gives me some thoughts on how i want to write in the future, what i did well and what i may be doing poorly
im a bit of a social person and i like to chat with you guys! its nice to feel like i have a place where i can share random thoughts with you guys and get conversational responses - i like connection!
i feel like some of the things i have to say can be helpful for people trying to go down a similar path to myself - by no means am i some beacon of writing or fangans or anything but if people like what i make and want to make something similar or have questions about the fangan community/creation process, i do feel like i have enough authority on the subject to advise accordingly!
the hate. theres not a ton of it, but when it does come up, its hurtful and stressful. im kind of hard on myself by nature so i really take that stuff to heart and can end up sitting on it for a while which isnt great for my general mental health
not every critique is something i need to see. again, im no beacon of writing, but sometimes people send me criticisms that are just blatantly incorrect or total misinterpretations of my work. im admittedly sensitive and seeing those critiques, even when i know theyre wrong, stresses me out. it makes me wanna jump in and be like "no!! its not like that!!! its like x!!" but i know i cant do that
scrutiny. once you go public with your presence as a creator, you are under constant scrutiny. people discuss you, everything you say and everything you do. it makes me nervous about saying or doing anything at all in tetro spaces, because i know its going to be picked apart and read into.
parasocialism. this one is the most uncomfortable of the downsides. people who try hard to become my friend not because of anything about me personally, but because i made tetro. people who think they understand me personally based solely on my online presence. ive had many many many people step over the boundaries of creator and fan throughout my time in tetro. it makes me really uncomfortable when people claim to know what im thinking or claim to understand me on this super deep level thats just disingenuous when theyve never even had a one-on-one conversation with me
honestly theres quite a few upsides and downsides. as strange as it might sound, my general advice to most fangan creators would be not to be so acccessible. the fangan community, for all the fun it houses and all the amazing creativity it produces, can be incredibly mean and often holds inexperienced creators to insane standards. i do feel like im held to an unfair standard in the fangan community - this is my first public project and im frequently insulted for not being on par with TV shows or AAA productions or things made by entire massive teams with budgets. i feel like in most other spaces, theres a certain expectation that people are just having fun and making content because they enjoy it, so im not sure why the opposite seems so prevalent for the fangan community
regardless, i do like being accessible, and i love my community, and i think the way i do things works for me. ive been learning when to pull back and how to process both valid critique and unnecessary cruelty. if you want to have a public presence, you have to learn the skills required to be accessible without being miserable. i think this is hard for a lot of people, so generally, i recommend keeping a low profile, but thats just the opinion of one random babbitt i suppose
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n1xx0lait · 2 days ago
Robin! Jason Todd Ghost
Ive really liked the idea on how theres a literal GHOST of Jason Todd, like his childhood or smth and it would be fun if he was just the ghost of the manor like the manor needs a ghost, its a manor.
Imagine Robin! Jason Todd Ghost chilling around the batcave, accidentally tripping the batsibs or messing with important paperwork. I could see him play around the manor since i mean hes a kid right? And hes dead so he doesnt really have anyone to do or talk too.
For Example: While Bruce would work on a case on the Batcomputer, Robin! Jason Todd Ghost would sit next to him all the time, especially when Bruce would pull all nighters. He likes to keep his dad company.
When the Bats are out of the manor doing patrols and what not, he would follow Alfred around, accidentally spilling the soap water from the bucket used for mopping or dropping the broom once or twice. This doesnt go unnoticed by Alfred but he brushes it off.
This would go on with the rest of the BatSiblings, Robin! Jason Todd Ghost would pick a sibling sometimes to spend the day with around the manor, he gets all sad when they leave the manor since hes kinda stuck there, his soul is stuck there.
I want to add another funny fact like, what if Duke or Tim can feel his presence? Not in like a psyche way but like in a way that says "this house is definitely fucking haunted im not insane shut up" like imagine Duke crashing out because his 3rd mug of the day is thrown across the room and noone believes him that its some ghost—A child ghost nonetheless thats fucking with him
Or what if Tim would be working late for WE in his bedroom, 3 days barely any sleep and he just hears footsteps or books falling off shelves. It wouldnt convince Tim easily that there is a ghost but like it gets so bad to the point Tim considers it being a possibility, logical thing to do was tell everyone ofcourse and the rest of them shut him out with the excuse of "dude, you havent slept in 3 days"
But what if Present Red Hood! Jason Todd feels his presence aswell? What if he walks down the manor halls and hears light giggles and laughter and he knows its from his younger self but he doesn't dare tell a soul. I mean if his younger ghost self found peace in watching over everyone in the manor then who is he to stop him?
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shruiee · 2 days ago
I will absolutely die on this hill. The whole hating on booktok girlies is just another internalized misogynistic concept.
Smut books or even like the really well written smut novels to me are no different than sex scenes in movies. Whole lotta plot, a little tension release.
One thing that people forget to mention about written smut.
Porn to me is one of the most exploited and violence promoting platforms where as smut writers go above and beyond to put warning markers, talk about the importance of protection if raw sex is presented in their smut fics. No actual person’s dignity nor their well being is put to jeopardy. I’m all for sex positivity but mainstream porn is anything besides that.
I read a wide genre of things from self help to fantasy but I honestly see nothing wrong in some women just reading smut… like at least they are reading, stimulating their brain with vocab and actually use her imagination to paint the pictures in her head
It’s not gunna be a 2 minute thing where some smelly goon just ruts into a sock and then continues on his day.
To me, written smut is far sophiscated for a few number of things
1. The fucking work the writers put in! Whether it’s romance, dark, noncon, whatever fantasy you take, the way feelings are described rather than it just being this screaming fuck match.
2. Learning to read… the more you read people the more words you learn and honestly you start using them in your vernacular more. Like read the back of your shampoo bottle if your really want.
3. No real person being harmed! I don’t know how many times there have been cases where girls have been filmed without their consent or literally being assaulted and that being posted onto porn websites. It’s a medium to safely explore fantasies and kinks.
Yes there are some creators in the Booktok community that are kinda predatory with the way they consume and promote content but again I’m sure people can’t be this unemployed right now to make this the burning social media issue of February 2025 when AIPAC is using paid propaganda through the big USA social media giants to rally against Palestine.
We have been on this hill countless times ladies. And especially most the books being attacked in this trend are the ones written by female authors
We like something, and suddenly that something becomes a problem.
Fangirls vs Sports Fans
Like it’s cool for guys to know the names of a dozen pornstars— to the point where thousands of girls felt uncomfortable to wear glasses for one said former sexual entertainment worker.
But us knowing fifteen different synonyms for not only our own female anatomy but also the male ones is where these people draw the line? Like wtf?
Plus how does no one question writers like GRRM in this situation where men just absolutely devour the rape content of a minor but no THATS ART!
I can’t speak to the qualities in the writings for each book but I’ll part with this.
Being born a woman with hobbies other than the ones given to us by society is blasphemy, modern day witches that burn at the stakes of “controversial opinions.”
"fic reading doesn’t count, it’s just porn. booktok girlies are too dumb to read proper books"
lame take. people contain multitudes. i can read nasty self-insert smut fics and complex novels or non-fiction at the same time. i can read deep character analysis fics and kinky romance novels on the side. maybe you should read some smut to come down from your high real-literature-horse.
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lokilysolbitch · 2 days ago
Im having thoughts on the hunger games specifically catching fire
-HEY so anyone notice how the quarter quell is worse than the other usual games. notice how it takes the people who were already beaten down and beats down on them worse. HEY anyone notice how this book is right before mockingjay. HEY. hey guys are we noticing how it gets soooo much worse before it gets better. are we noticing the captiol gets more and more harsh right before mockingjay happens. are we fucking seeing the paralells you guys
-johanna is katniss with nothing to lose
-katniss is at the bottom of the food chain of Panem. katniss is the disabled, the poc trans women, (obv not literally, im connecting this to real life like the english teachers say to) (but also in the books she might be native? i think the books hinted at it but im not sure if suzanne said it outright) the most silenced voices put up on a stage. she isnt interested in saving panem. she is not the dystopian female main character girlboss. she doesnt want to be here. she doesnt want to change the world (at first). she wants to survive and go home. her existence is enough to shake up all of panem. her survival is enough to change everything. everything that happens after the first book is because she refused to let the capitol kill her.
-i understand we feel like its not enough, BUT ART IN THESE TIMES IS SO IMPORTANT. cinna's fashion choices, the performance peeta puts on for the camera's in interviews like in catching fire, these are art. and look what the capitol does to them afterwards. art has power and the capitol knows it
-along with art, healing has a place too and this is represented by prim
-wiress beetee and katniss autism bonding
-peeta is unconditional love, katniss is protection and survival instinct, gale is hate(that still comes from a survival instinct). peeta wants change, katniss wants safety, gale wants revenge. peeta on his own isn't safe, katniss on her own can save herself, and gale on his own kills prim commits friendly fire through blind rage. hatred of oppressors is not enough to change the world. you need love but you also need to be able to protect yourself and people you love. gale's anger motivates katniss and she is tempted to stay with him over peeta, and thats how a survival instinct works too. but you can't run off of just that. there's a reason she didnt end up choosing gale in mockingjay.
-gale is also really similar to katniss. so you can see the different paths the same traits can lead you down
-you see katniss's protective traits with wiress when she keeps saying tick tock and katniss ends up learning from her
-im watching catching fire rn and katniss is running from the jabberjays and just ran into the barrier that separates the wedges. peeta's on the other side consoling her and now im thinking about the fucking peeta is love katniss is survival thing like i have chills. love is consoling the survival instinct
-an underrated message of catching fire is not to underestimate the power of disruption
-thinking about how without peeta, katniss sends that arrow into the dome of the arena in catching fire. and then after that refuses to work with district 13 until they get peeta. so that survival instinct without love has a flare of productive hatred and then it just burns out
-so katniss is the girl on fire and peeta is what makes the flame be more than just a spark
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